Holy Chutzpah – The Parable of the Brazen Manager
Holy Chutzpah – The Parable of the Brazen Manager.
“Jesus taught his disciples using this story… ‘I have an idea that will secure my future. It will gain me favor and secure friends who can take care of me and help me when I get fired!’ So the dishonest manager hatched his scheme… Even though his master was defrauded, when he found out about the shrewd way this manager had feathered his own nest, he congratulated the clever rascal for what he’d done to lay up for his future needs. Jesus continued the story by saying, ‘The children of this world are more shrewd in dealing with the world around them than are the children of the light.'” (for the whole story, read Luke 16:1-9.).
Chutzpah (hoots-pah) is a Yiddish word that long ago entered English usage. It is from the Hebrew word, “hutspah,” which means insolent or audacious. Chutzpah is a neutral word that can be either positive or negative. Chutzpah can be righteous or unrighteous, holy or unholy. It is an idea difficult to define, so there are a lot of synonyms for it, especially in the biblical sense: spiritual audacity; brazen gall; tenacious stubbornness; headstrong persistence; outrageous guts; shameless nerve; feisty assertiveness; brazen impudence; unyielding boldness; courageous spine; expectant defiance. The Holy Scriptures, both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, are overflowing with examples of holy chutzpah. One wonders not only if it’s a job requirement for saints and prophets, but also a faith requirement for all believers. In fact, God seems to love chutzpah in us when it is based on our ultimate trust in Him and His character, our unselfish motives, our yearning for justice and mercy. Chutzpah in front of others becomes holy when it is done in obedience to the Lord and is an outworking of our faith in Him. As Rabbi Schulweiss once said, “Spiritual audacity toward God finds a place of honor in Jewish religious thought.” The rabbis of old have always insisted that chutzpah is a valid expression of faith. Just a quick glimpse at the Gospels reveals that Jesus and His followers fully embraced the ancient Jewish ethic of holy chutzpah. When Jesus saw chutzpah in action, He usually said things like, “Great is your faith!” Maybe Christian scholar Dr. Brad Young said it best. “True faith requires bold perseverance. Sometimes it is expressed by brazen impudence. Faith can be defined as chutzpah. Persevere with unyielding tenacity.” (Brad Young, Jesus the Jewish Theologian).
THE CONTEXT. a. The disciples were the primary audience for this story, as it states in verse 1. But there were also a number of Pharisees mixed into the crowd, since Jesus had just told a parable with them in mind, the Prodigal Son, and they are mentioned in verse 14.
b. This particular parable is seen by commentators and scholars as one of the most difficult to understand. For Jesus to place a dishonest manager in the hero’s role has puzzled many a person. Would Jesus want to honor dishonesty?
c. The central topic in the context, though, is not necessarily the manager or his owner, it seems to be money. The parable is included in a chapter all about money… stories about money, teachings about money, criticisms regarding money.
d. This story reveals what unredeemed chutzpah looks like. This shrewd manager is what Jacob looked like before God tapped him on his shoulder. The manager in this parable of Jesus is shameless and audacious, but not righteous. Like a photograph negative, we see here in the story the opposite of holy chutzpah.
THE OWNER. a. The boss of the manager is undoubtedly a wealthy landowner who rents pieces of his property to tenants. For the most part, the rent was not paid with money, but instead from the produce of the land that is rented. Money can be exchanged, but produce from the land being rented is also accepted.
b. He is no doubt an honorable character, wise in the running of his business, and generous, and merciful. He cared enough about his business to fire a wasteful manager. And when he confronted his manager about what he had heard, he didn’t do what the typical landowner would have done… scolded him, yelled at him, beat him, fined him, or jailed him. He did none of that. He simply said “You’re fired. Turn in your account records.” And that was the end of it. The manager no doubt acknowledged the owner’s mercy and breathed a sigh of relief… it could have been worse.
THE MANAGER. a. After being accused by the owner, it wasn’t clear in the story if he was actually guilty or not. The fact that he was silent and didn’t defend himself implies his guilt.
b. He finds himself out of a job. What now? He won’t do manual labor, because he’s not physically strong enough. He’s too proud to beg, and it would bring him shame and rejection.
c. So he uses his wits. He cleverly sets up a scheme that will come down to depending on the owner’s generosity and mercy. His owner’s strong character, he decides, is his only hope.
d. He decides to, without the owner’s permission, reduce the debts of the renters, thereby hopefully gaining friends for himself who will take care of housing and personal expenses. He calls the tenants, the renters, in for private conferences, rewrites the contracts, and lo and behold, the tenants suddenly owe less than the original contract! He makes it appear that he persuaded the owner to reduce the rent, and so the manager will come out of this looking good to the tenants.
e. The tenants will no doubt celebrate their good fortune, all because of the kindness and generosity of the owner and manager! Everyone in the community soon know about this and are all celebrating the goodness of the owner. This is all news to the owner.
THE OWNER. a. He sees that he has no choice but accept the manager’s crooked dealings. He can’t go back on what they assumed was his word, and change the new contracts. He realizes that the manager has outfoxed him, painted him into a corner, and he has no choice but to accept the new situation.
b. So the owner applauds the shrewdness of the manager, not for his dishonesty, but for his clever scheme. He felt compelled to give the astute manager credit for coming up with such a bold, ingenious plan.
c. On the other hand, it looks like he didn’t give the manager back his job. The manager may have been clever, but the owner has the last laugh.
JESUS. a. He criticized his followers for not being clever or shrewd in matters pertaining to the Kingdom. He said that the nonbelievers are more clever in their world than the believers are in theirs. Where is your instinct for self-preservation, Jesus is saying. I want you to be clever in the ways of my world, He is saying. Keep your spiritual wits about you!
b. He also said that a wise investment of your money is to invest in people. Make friends with your money, and they will take care of you when the chips are down. Care for the poor, spend your money on the needy, and they will be the first to welcome you into heaven.
c. Eugene Peterson’s insights into this parable are fascinating, as found in the Message: “He (the manager) knew how to look after himself. Streetwise people can be smarter than law-abiding citizens – On constant alert, looking for angles, surviving by their wits. I want you to be smart in the same way, but for what is right, using every adversity to stimulate you to creative survival, to concentrate your attention on the bare essentials, so you’ll live, really live, and not complacently just get by on good behavior.”
d. The commentator’s notes in the Revised Standard Version said this: “If dishonest people use all their ingenuity to promote their material welfare, so ought the people of God to use their energies to further their spiritual welfare.”
FINAL THOUGHT. If a crooked businessman can hatch a scheme like this and in the end rely on the generosity of the owner, how much more should a child of the light cleverly depend on God’s mercy for his/her salvation and sanctification? The generous owner ended up accepting the manager’s plan in his crisis, how much more will a righteous God help you when in a crisis?
- A common theme in many of Jesus’ parables is the spiritual foolishness of self-righteousness. This particular parable seems to bring up our need to be shrewd in spiritual matters for our own self-preservation, to be street-wise in matters of the Kingdom. How does self-righteousness make us lose our edge, and work against our creative survival in the spiritual realm?
- Jesus seems to imply that this dishonest but savvy business manager has qualities that can be translated to our spiritual welfare. Give examples.
- If we are to keep our spiritual wits about us, could the Beatitudes (Matt. 5) be what spiritual wits looks like, maybe even the secret to biblical cleverness in the eyes of Jesus? Could these words of wisdom from Jesus reveal to us what holy chutzpah looks like from the heavenly perspective? In the Beatitudes, Jesus seems to turn the tables on what many would think shrewdness looks like. For each beatitude below, consider how each could be spiritually savvy and street-wise. And then contrast each beatitude with what might be found in a business manual’s steps to worldly success:
- Blessed are the poor in spirit, the spiritually bankrupt, the lowly and the vulnerable, those who are running on empty;
- Blessed are those who mourn, who are sorrowful in grief, in repentance, and in brokenness for this world of suffering and death;
- Blessed are the meek, the gentle, the unassuming, those who have their power under the control of the Master;
- Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, who intensely desire goodness and virtue, who crave for God’s character in themselves and also in the world;
- Blessed are the merciful, who are always poised to care, to show lovingkindness and compassion, who put their love into action;
- Blessed are the pure in heart, who are genuinely unspotted by the world, who live unsullied lives, who sincerely and single-mindedly focus on the one thing needful;
- Blessed are the peacemakers, who reconcile those with conflicts, who create serenity and develop conditions for wholeness;
- Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, who are treated badly for doing the right thing, who are abused and falsely accused because of their faith and goodness.
Resources: Helmut Thielicke, The Waiting Father; Alfred Edersheim, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah; Kenneth Bailey, Through Peasant Eyes; Herbert Lockyer, All the Parables of the Bible; Joachim Jeremias, The Parables of Jesus.