Fear Not: Isaac
Fear Not: Isaac.
“The Lord appeared to Isaac on the night of his arrival to Beersheba. ‘I am the God of your father, Abraham,’ He said. ‘Do not be afraid. For I am with you. And I will bless you. I will multiply your descendants, and they will become a great nation. I will do this because of my promise to Abraham, my servant.'” (Genesis 26:24).
Isaac inherited much from his father Abraham, most notably a faith in the one true God and the promise from God that his family would become a great nation in the Promised Land. At one point, Isaac and his family had to settle in the Philistine country of Gerar because of a famine. While there, God blessed him and he became quite wealthy and powerful. So his jealous and fearful neighbors made him leave that land. They settled in a territory called Beersheba, west of the Dead Sea. At first, Isaac continued to quarrel with neighboring Philistines about water rights and wells, until he finally resolved these issues and was able to settle down in peace. There in Beersheba, God personally visited Isaac and confirmed His covenant made with father Abraham. God was clearly faithful to Abraham, earlier telling Isaac that He was keeping covenant “because Abraham listened to me and obeyed all my requirements, commands, decrees, and instructions.” (26:5). So now in Isaac’s new settlement, God once again confirmed His promise made to father Abraham. The covenant with Abraham has now been officially inherited by his son Isaac. Do not fear, says Yahweh to Isaac, because I am with you. The Almighty Lord has promised his presence and His blessing, which is more that anyone could hope for.
An Answer to Fear: In the midst of your fears, remember that the Almighty God has promised His presence, even in the valley of the shadow of death (Ps. 23). The Lord will be at your side, He will be as close to you as your heart, you will never be alone or stranded during times of danger or difficulty. Fear not, because God has promised to be with you all the way, right through dangers and threats, providing spiritual blessings the whole time.
Take Heart: “Let the godly rejoice! Let them be glad in God’s presence. Let them be filled with joy. Sing praises to God and His name! Sing loud praises to Him who rides the clouds. His name is the Lord – rejoice in His presence!” (Psalm 68:3-4).