(21.) B is for Bible-Across-the-Curriculum

(21.) B is for Bible-Across-the-Curriculum

(21.) B is for Bible-Across-the-Curriculum

Holy Writ provides the eyeglasses for the entire learning community, the frames we look through for perspective. Put another way, scripture places us on the high rock, from which we can properly view our world, each other, ourselves, our mission in education. Truth be known, that is how truth is to be known. The Bible is inspired and inspiring, and through the Book, God expresses His story, His mind and heart. God’s Word is thus essential to the style and substance of who we are as educators and learners. That said, it is important that scripture not be studied as a literal science text or mere literary device. Scrutinize it, question it, honor it, discuss it, and yet realize that the Bible is a pointing finger to the Savior of the universe, not salvation itself.

As George MacDonald said, scripture is the “moon in our darkness,” not the true light yet surely reflecting it so we can follow the right path. So everything is relevant to the Word, and the Word is relevant to everything. A case can be made that a Bible department in school is actually unbiblical, because that puts scripture on a par with other content areas. Instead, it seems to make more sense to have the Bible integrated with every area of study, integral to the entire curriculum, as natural to studies as rooms and desks, pencils and books. Rather than offering separate, self-contained Bible classes, doesn’t it make more sense to maintain an ongoing, coherent biblical connection in every class? After all, scripture is not simply another subject. Let us study the Word in its historical context, and the world in its biblical context. The sooner the students view scripture as a natural and reasonable part of everything they do, whether it’s studying, playing or eating, the sooner they will apply the Bible to their daily thoughts and choices. Perhaps most importantly, the Bible might seem less like a dogmatic system or a rulebook from a hard taskmaster, and more like a long love letter from their Father in heaven.