Speaking a Blessing by Praying the Word – Colossians 2:2-3
Speaking a Blessing by Praying the Word – Colossians 2:2-3.
“For as rain and snow fall from the heavens and return not again without watering the earth, bringing forth life and giving growth, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, it is the same with my Word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. My Word will not return to me empty, but will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” (Isaiah 55:10-11).
Praying the Word. Wondering what words to use when praying for your children, your spouse, your parents, your friends, even your enemies? Pray God’s Word. This is indisputable. There is no denying it. God’s Word will not return empty. God’s Word will be fulfilled, it will be achieved, it will complete its purpose. His Word will bring a blessing, it will bring new life, it will provide fresh seeds for new growth. His Word will succeed, it will accomplish what He wants. God’s Word is His will, and will not be fruitless. This has been called the “cycle of blessing”… sent from God, come to earth, and then returning to God. God will be blessed when His Word returns to Him, fulfilled and fruitful. This brings God joy and satisfaction. God’s holy Scripture brings us spiritual blessing, and in its time is a sure thing. It can’t be denied or thwarted. His Word does not return empty. Sing His Word even. Make up your own melody or tune. Pray the Word over your loved ones, turn the Scripture into a song, and His Word will fulfill His purposes.
Blessing Others. The Greek word for “bless” is “eulogia,” which means to speak a “good word” over others in seeking God’s best for them. To biblically bless others is to seek God’s favor for someone else. To bless someone is to “eulogize” that person, to speak words of encouragement, affirmation, loving acceptance. To bless others is to assure others that they are worthwhile, they are highly valued. To bless others is to offer a eulogy in the sense that if our words of blessing are the last words someone hears, they will be certain of their being highly favored by God. Jesus often blessed others in the name of God in the gospels, and if we are to be a blessing to others and truly love them, we are to pray for God to bless others in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We are to follow Jesus into his lifestyle of blessing. With all believers in God, “blessing” is our middle name.
Inspired Blessings. What better way to speak a blessing over others than to pray His inspired Word? How can there possibly be a more effective and fruitful way of blessing others than with the inspired Scriptures? Praying the Scripture is praying into the mind of God, to pray into His thinking using His inspired words. To pray the Word is to pray in the spirit of the Spirit. To pray the Scripture is to pray according to His established will. Praying His Word over others puts our thoughts into better expression than our own words, though God wants those too. Unlike many of us, God loves to be quoted, because He fully knows His words bring life.
Praying with the Spirit. Sometimes we are fearful about how best to pray for our loved ones. Praying God’s Word would seem to calm those fears, because His own words are obviously in line with His will. We can safely assume that praying His words of divine blessing that were inspired by God would seem to be received favorably by the Lord. We are inspired to pray these very words of Scripture, because they are righteous and express perfectly what is on our hearts. The Epistles in the New Testament, following the rabbinic Jewish tradition which offered holy blessings, reveal the secret of how to offer up a can’t-miss blessing over others. Pray this blessing over a loved one, or even an unloved one, and rest assured of God’s blessing over that person through your faith in Him.
“May you be resolute, encouraged in heart and bound together in love
until you have the full riches of complete understanding in order that you
may know the mystery of God, who is Christ, in whom are hidden all the
jewels and treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Colossians 2:2-3)