Shake the Dust from Your Sandals
Shake the Dust from Your Sandals.
“Behold, I send out as sheep among the wolves… And as for those who do not receive you, as you go out from that city, shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them. Say to them that the kingdom of God has come near.” (Luke 9:1-6, and 10:1-24).
Shake the Dust. Pious Jews would do this literally whenever leaving a Gentile town. They are making a statement that they are separating themselves from Gentile practices and influences. Even the very dust of a Gentile town was considered unclean. This was practiced as a way of staying pure from the heathens. The fact that Jesus wanted the disciples to do that act for unwelcome towns implies that those places who reject the Good News are no better than the heathens. If a town rejects you, Jesus is saying, shake the dust, shrug your shoulders, and move on. Leave them to their fate. You are not responsible for them anymore. And another thing… Don’t fight back with those who resist. Don’t add to the problem by being defensive or vengeful. Don’t seek retribution or payback. You are not to harm or belittle anyone who doesn’t welcome you. You will not be doing the will of God if you try to get even. Be innocent of all that. When you shake the dust off your sandals, remember that you are also shaking off any resentment or unforgiveness. Shake the dust off and move on without keeping any of that discord in your spirit.