Secret Doors for Sadie
Secret Doors for Sadie.
Sadie, do you remember our little door at the side of our house at the lake? It has an arch, and the arch was covered in vines and roses, and there was some mystery to it. You loved it, and you called it your “secret door.” Well, we have more secret doors to show you, all of them from the Bible. We thought you might like these secret doors even more than you love our secret door at the lake. These three secret doors in the Bible are the secret door to your heart, the secret door to your house, and the secret door to heaven. Keep reading, and you can learn about these wonderful doors.
The Door to Your Heart. There was a time when Jesus spoke of the door to the heart. Every person has a heart deep within them, and we are in charge of who we let into the heart through that door. The lock to this heart-door is on the inside, so no one can go through the door unless you first say, “Okay, you can come through that door into my heart.” Jesus loves us so much that He secretly goes to every person in the world and gently knocks on the door to their heart. He is hoping that the heart-door will open for Him. Jesus will not just knock the door down or push his way through into the heart without being asked. He gently knocks and waits to be let in. When we answer His knocking and open our heart-door, we are asking Jesus to walk right into our heart and be our friend. Jesus is so happy to be our best friend forever, but each person needs to open the door first. When we ask Jesus into our heart, we couldn’t ask for a better friend. He will always be right there with us inside our heart even if we are sad or hurt. Wherever we go, there goes Jesus with us. He will help us to become more like Him, more full of love for God and for other people. The girl who opens the heart-door will always have Jesus to guide her and love her. Jesus is the best friend a person could ever have. All a person has to do is open the door to the heart and invite Him in. He will be with you forever. (Revelation 3:30).
The Door to Your House. There was a time when Jesus talked about being a Good Shepherd for His sheep. He said He would protect the home of His sheep by being the front door, by sitting across the entrance and protecting all the sheep from danger. Jesus said that we people are a lot like sheep, only we are His people. Of course, we aren’t really sheep… We don’t have white wool and go baaah, baaah, right? But Jesus wants to be our Good Shepherd too. He wants to take good care of us just like He does with His sheep. And He has promised to be the door to the front entrance of your house. He will not let any danger come through that front door. When we are safe in our home, Jesus will be right there at the front entrance and protect us. He is like having a very strong door right there in the front of the house. When we were still in our mommy’s womb, Jesus gave us each a soul, that part of us that will live forever. And Jesus has promised to protect our soul, not matter what. Jesus is inside our heart, and He is at the door of our house, and so our soul will always be safe. As your best friend forever, Jesus will also be your house’s front door to protect you. When you are snug in your beds at night, and you and your sisters and your mommy and your daddy are all asleep, don’t forget that Jesus is at your front door. Jesus will protect your soul during the day, because He is in your heart. And He will protect you at night because He is the Good Shepherd, watching over His sheep, watching over you. (John 10:9).
The Door to Heaven. Don’t you just love Easter? To think about Jesus rising from the dead is so wonderful. Jesus is the only Person to ever do that, ever! So we can follow Him and trust Him to do the same with us some day! After Jesus jumped out of the grave, He didn’t just go straight to heaven. He wasn’t ready to go home yet. He wanted to walk and talk with His friends and make sure they all knew that He really did rise from the dead! And then after forty days with His friends, Jesus decided the time was right to go back to His heavenly home. So one day, as He was just standing there talking with His friends, a giant cloud came down from heaven and just took Jesus away, up into the sky! It might be hard to imagine, but it really did happen! Do you remember King David? He wrote a song about Jesus going to heaven in one of his psalms, Psalm 24. David wanted to sing about what it might have looked like when Jesus went back to heaven. He sang about heaven’s doors opening up, the gates to paradise, so Jesus could enter heaven. David called Jesus the “King of Glory!” Isn’t that an amazing name for Jesus? And surely all the angels were there at the door to heaven as Jesus walked through, and were singing and dancing because they were so happy He was home. And now, right this very minute, there sits Jesus, right there next to God the Father, and Jesus is praying for us to the Father, right now! Jesus knows how we are feeling and everything we go through on earth, and He knows what we need. So He is in heaven whispering into the Father’s ear about you, Sadie, and asking the Father to bless you! Isn’t that great? (Psalm 24:7-10).
We hope you liked these secret doors in the Bible, Sadie. We can’t wait for you come to our house on the lake again and you can walk right through our secret door here at Grandma and Grandpa’s!