My First and Only Book?

My First and Only Book?

My First and Only Book?

(If I were to ever be in the position to publish a collection of my articles, this is what I would want it to look like, as of January 15, 2025):

Title: Jesus is the Gospel (this title is original to my dear friend and brother in Christ, Rev. Dr. Jeff McSwain).

Chapter Headings (which would include many of my blog’s articles in that category):

Preface: My Theology is Jesus (in Autobiography section).

  1. His Father (Yahweh and Jesus: 17x; in the section of Abba, Father is: Divine Intimacy; Priestly Prayer of Jesus; Father continues to Work; Picturing the Father; Titles of Father: 21x;
  2. His Spirit (Titles of HS: 12x; Finger of God: 9x; Fruit of Spirit: 12x; Divine Invitation: 1x; Spirit of Trinity in Abba Father; Chapel of HS in Dwelling in God’s Heart; 7 gifts of the Hs, in Seven; Promise of HS in Yes and Amen; Well of HS in Fresh Water; and in the Nature of God is HS as True Companion and the Helping Style of the HS; the Sword of the Spirit in Soldier,Priest).
  3. His Titles (37x);
  4. His Prayer Life (in “The Prayer Life of Jesus”)
  5. His Crossing of Boundaries;
  6. His Parables (35x in Storyteller)
  7. His Healings (18x in Healings)
  8. His Emotions (15x in Deeply Moved)
  9. His Mind (in “The Mind of Christ”)
  10. His Sermons (Jesus and Torah: 9x; Beatitudes: 11x; Good Eye: 11x; Thoughts on Matthew 5: 1x
  11. His Teaching Style (Object Lessons: 10x; Teaching Methods: 7x; others in Education section)
  12. His Personality (look in “Holy Chutzpah in Jesus” and “Live Wires” article in Christan Ed)
  13. His Conversations (in “The Gospel Conversations of Christ”)
  14. His ‘I AM’s (16x in Great I AM)
  15. His Union with Believers (6x; Spiritual Union in Born from above; Fertile Spirit in Born from above)
  16. His Fair Warnings (9x)
  17. His Conditional Promises (11x in Big If)
  18. His Devotionals (Truly: 15x; Yes and Amen: 9x; In a Word Amen: 1x; Take Heart: 7x)
  19. His Ministries (Untouchables: 11x; women: 17x; Sinners: 13x)
  20. His Christophanies in the Hebrew Bible (9x)
  21. His Defining Moments (refer to below)
  22. His Blood (17x in Scarlet Thread section)
  23. His Love (Agape: 9x; Bear Burdens: 8x);
  24. His Beauty (category of that name);
  25. His Church (Ecclesia, Gates of Hell: 10x);
  26. Jesus is the Answer (in category of that name)

Defining Moments of Christ:

  1. Annunciation and Conception: “The Thin Place of Mary’s Womb;” “Bible Dreams of St. Joseph;” “Named Before Birth – Jesus”;
  2. Birth and Youth: “Song of the Angels;” “Boy in the Temple”;
  3. Baptism (in article of that name);
  4. Temptation (in article of  that name);
  5. First Miracle in Cana (in article of that name);
  6. Mission Defined (in article of that name);
  7. Calling of Disciples (the Fishermen in “Gospel Fishing”;
  8. Sending out the Twelve: (in article of that name);
  9. Sending Out the Seventy (in article of that name);
  10. The Transfiguration (in article of that name);
  11. Facing Off with the Pharisees (the “Woes” and Pharisee in Me in Seven);
  12. The Grand Entrance (in article of that name);
  13. The Last Supper (in Come and Dine: Flesh and Blood; and the Fulfillment of the Passover in Home Liturgies);
  14. The Passion (in Grace and Prison, Christ as Prisoner);
  15. The Cross (the ‘Tree of Christ’ in Trees of the Bible);
  16. The Ultimate Forgiver (in article about Christ’s forgiveness on the Cross);
  17. The Thirsty Christ (in ‘I Thirst” article in Fresh Water);
  18. The Death of God (in article of that name);
  19. The Resurrection (in the Resurrection section, ‘Conclusion,” ‘Holy Saturday’ in Station #3; the Two Mary’s in Jesus and Women);
  20. The Victory Tour (in article of that name);
  21. The Road to Emmaus (in Jesus and Food, Emmaus Bread);
  22. The Ascension (in article of that name);
  23. The Ultimate Thin Place in Person of Jesus (in article of that name);
  24. The Road to Damascus (in Thin Place).
  25. His Revelation to John on Patmos (in ‘Fear Not: Jesus and John’).