(26.) G is for Grace and Truth
(26.) G is for Grace and Truth
“In the beginning was the Word… And the Word became flesh and pitched his tent with us… Full of grace and truth.” (John 1). How could John do this? How could he assume to summarize all there is to know about the Son of God in two little words? Well, he did. Jesus in a nutshell…Grace and truth. It follows then, that the summarizing qualities of Christ should also be the summarizing qualities of a Christ-centered school. And here it is, a new-ancient G-T Track.
So what would this sacred duet look like in the life of the school’s culture? In many ways, it wouldn’t necessarily be pretty. We would be mistake-prone, of course, but progressively moving in the right direction, with God’s help. We would allow each other to be human, making allowances when our humanity is showing, and yet bearing each other’s burdens as we challenge each other to follow the Way. “Our love must not be just words or mere talk, but something active and genuine. This will be the proof that we belong to the truth.” (1 John 3:18-19). At the same time, we know that without God’s grace in the community, we would be “always learning, but never coming to a knowledge of the truth.” (2 Timothy 3:7) Heaven forbid!
Christ-centered schools, in all its fallenness, still tend to grow in the ability to discover and abide in the truth, proving it by practicing that truth in love. A Christian school intentionally characterized by unencumbered one-upsmanship, selfish ambition, or information overload, betrays its calling. But a Christ-centered school informed and inspired by this G-T Track, seeking to be a grace-filled community with a truth-centered agenda, is indeed answering the call. Grace and Truth… A Christ-centered school in a nutshell.