Come, Holy Spirit! Ancient Prayer #4
Come, Holy Spirit! Ancient Prayer #4.
THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Spirit of Glory; the Presence of God appearing in Shekinah glory through light, fire, and luminous cloud; God’s divine Presence on earth; the eternal life-giving Third Person of the Holy Trinity; the intimate bond of divine love and truth shared by God the Father and God the Son; the dynamic power of God offered to every human being on earth; the supernatural Presence in the Community of God who is personal without being material; the invisible creative force with divine intelligence who truly knows the mind of God from the inside; the Spirit of God who thus has all knowledge and is present everywhere in the universe; the sacred energy streaming forth from the Father and the Son, pouring love into our hearts (Romans 5:5), producing virtuous qualities in us (Galatians 5:22-23), and gradually transforming each believer into the image of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18).
“Come, Creator Spirit,
Visit the minds of those who are Yours,
Fill with heavenly grace
The hearts that You have made.
You who are named the Paraclete,
Gift of God most high,
Living fountain, fire, love,
And anointing for the soul.
You are sevenfold in Your gifts,
You are finger of God’s right hand,
You, the Father’s solemn promise
Putting words upon our lips.
Kindle a light in our senses,
Pour love into our hearts,
Infirmities of this body of ours
Overcoming with strength secure.
The enemy drive from us away,
Peace then give without delay.
With You as guide to lead the way
We avoid all cause of harm.
Grant we may know the Father through You,
And come to know the Son as well,
And may we always cling in faith
To You, the Spirit of them both. Amen.
(early 9th century, Archbishop Maurus).