Come, Holy Spirit! Ancient Prayer #2
Come, Holy Spirit! Ancient Prayer #2.
THE HOLY SPIRIT: The Spirit of Glory; the Presence of God appearing in Shekinah glory through light, fire, and luminous cloud; God’s divine Presence on earth; the eternal life-giving Third Person of the Holy Trinity; the intimate bond of divine love and truth shared by God the Father and God the Son; the dynamic power of God offered to every human being on earth; the supernatural Presence in the Community of God who is personal without being material; the invisible creative force with divine intelligence who truly knows the mind of God from the inside; the Spirit of God who thus has all knowledge and is present everywhere in the universe; the sacred energy streaming forth from the Father and the Son, pouring love into our hearts (Romans 5:5), producing virtuous qualities in us (Galatians 5:22-23), and gradually transforming each believer into the image of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18).
“Come, true light.
Come, eternal life.
Come, mystery concealed.
Come, treasure unnamed.
Come, reality outreaching all telling.
Come, of You whom our minds cannot grasp.
Come, everlasting joy.
Come, light that causes no shadow.
Come, hope of all the redeemed.
Come, You who raise the dead.
Come, You only, to the lonely.
Come, my breath and my life.
Come, my soul’s consoler.
Come, my joy, my glory, my everlasting delight.
Shining vesture, searing to demon touch,
Cleansing bath, bathe me in purest tears most holy.
Stay with me, oh Sovereign, alone do never leave me:
For so, when those enemies of mine shall come who always seek to devour my soul,
It is You they will see, dwelling in me, and at once they will flee,
Able to do nothing to me, finding You, most powerful of all,
Enthroned within the poor home of my soul.”
(Simeon the New Theologian, Eastern Orthodox Church, 1000 A.D.).