Blood and the Mystery of Love – The Nightingale and the Rose
Blood and the Mystery of Love – The Nightingale and the Rose.
“Glory be to Jesus, Who in bitter pains, poured for me the life-blood, from His sacred veins.
Grace and life eternal, in that blood I find, blest be His compassion, infinitely kind.
Blest through endless ages, be the precious steam, which from endless torments, did the world redeem.
Lift ye then your voices, swell the mighty flood; louder still and louder, praise the precious blood.” (Friedrich Filitz).
Glory Be to Jesus – Christian Song with Lyrics (
One of the most beautiful pictures of blood and sacrifice is expressed in this story by Oscar Wilde. This story may be too tragic for little minds to understand, so I’m not sure if this tale is for the little ones, unless the reader is careful to discuss the blood of Christ in the context. We can often see truths at a deeper level when the imagination is involved, as in this story. What a poignant and powerful picture of Jesus and His sacrifice for each of us.
Rachel Chapman – “This Blood” (
For those who want to read it, here is the link:
Short Stories: The Nightingale and the Rose by Oscar Wilde (
Those of you who want to have it read to you, here is the link:
The Nightingale And The Rose (
A wonderful worship song about the Blood of redemption:
Charity Gayle – Thank You Jesus for the Blood (Live) (