A Whimsical Dictionary: F is for Fool
A Whimsical Dictionary of Surprising Influences.
F is for Fool –
Someone who plays dumb, either on purpose or unknowingly; a person who appears to lack common sense. There are two main species:
1. the Foolish Fool, who smugly says “My will be done” and tend to love something good and follow it all costs. Examples include hedonists, narcissists, nymphomaniacs, pedants, doting parents, workaholics, and some theologians. This fool is willing to look smart even when it’s dumb.
And 2. the Wise Fool, who humbly says “Thy will be done” and tend to love Someone good and follow Him at all costs. Examples include fishermen, tax collectors, zealots, lepers, beggars, prostitutes, and children. This fool is willing to look dumb even when it’s wise.
The ironic thing is that both species get what they wish for and wind up in a fool’s paradise, the former in loneliness and frustration and misery, the latter in joy and fulfillment and peace.